The IBJJF Sacramento Fall Open 2024 took place across the weekend of September 28th and 29th, 2024 and there was a great mix of competitors from completely different generations. Nowhere else was that clearer than in the men’s gi lightweight division, where Cole Abate beat the legendary Wellington ‘Megaton’ Dias to win gold. Abate also returned on the second day for the no gi lightweight division, where he won his second gold medal. Edward Lucero was another young star who stood out in the lighter weight classes, as he won the featherweight division in the gi and even beat Rodnei Barbosa in the final to win the same weight class in no gi.
Joao Nicolite had one of the best performances of the whole weekend by winning the three gold medals. He won the gi heavyweight division although his no gi heavyweight title was won by default, he did also win the no gi absolute to finish the tournament on a very high note. Marcus Ribeiro was the man who won the gi absolute, shortly after he was given a gold medal at ultra-heavyweight by default. The final big name who won in the men’s divisions was Marcelo Fausto, as the young grappler stood on top of the podium in the no gi middleweight division.
There were less female BJJ stars competing at the IBJJF Sacramento Fall Open 2024, but the gi heavyweight did feature an interesting final match between Melissa Stricker and Elizabeth Mitrovic. Stricker won that and went on to win the gi absolute division shortly afterward too, where featherweight default winner Karen Terra took bronze. The no gi divisions were also exciting, with Mitrovic getting a default gold at super-heavyweight before winning the no gi absolute. She had to beat default lightweight winner Bre Stikk in the final while middleweight champion Jaine Fragoso took bronze there. The final popular female competitor winning one of the regular weight classes was Lavinia Barbosa, who won gold at light-featherweight.