Famous actor Tom Hardy has very quickly become one of the most popular celebrities involved in BJJ and he’s recently been getting some training in with Mikey Musumeci. Being able to roll with and learn from elite competitors and coaches is obviously a huge benefit to anyone’s development in the sport, and many people travel all around the world to seek out the best instruction available. Hardy is one of those people and he clearly takes his training very seriously, as he’s even been taking lessons from John Danaher in the past as well.
While there are many celebrities that have taken up BJJ in recent years, not many of them ever choose to test themselves in competition. It’s not surprising either really, as the propensity for injuries is significantly higher in a competitive atmosphere and that’s not something that actors and musicians can really risk. It’s a sad fact that a famous person might have something of a target on their back as well, as many members of the public would love to get a win over them. That hasn’t been much of a concern for Hardy though, as he’s entered multiple tournaments during his time as a blue belt and come away with several gold medals as well.
This success in competition undoubtedly played a part in him eventually receiving his purple belt in 2023 as well. As with any person learning the sport, being able to win competitions against peers is not the only thing that contributes to someone being ready for the next belt level. There’s also the dedication to the sport that someone might show and Hardy’s coach, Carlos Santos, has been open about how much his student has fallen in love with BJJ. This much is obvious too, because Hardy appears to be training at a very high frequency and is clearly eager to learn from as many different sources as he can.
Mikey Musumeci shared the footage of him training with Tom Hardy in a recent post to his official Instagram account: