The capability of AI is only ever growing and now it’s been used to create brand new Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu submissions that were tested out by BJJ black belt Nick Coletti. He used the popular AI chatbot ChatGPT and asked it to create a series of different submissions that could be used in Jiu-Jitsu. The results of each one varied from reasonable and applicable against practitioners even if their might be better options, all the way to utterly insane and physically impossible under any conditions.
There was one interesting submission that emerged though, which ChatGPT decided to call ‘The Octopus Lock’ for some unknown reason. It effectively re-created what is commonly known as ‘The Cry-angle’, a Triangle Choke that includes trapping the opponent’s leg inside the choke as well. The only real difference is that ChatGPT focused on applying an armbar from within the choke as well, but otherwise this submission has actually been seen in competition before. It’s an incredibly rare submission regardless of course, but this did show that the AI is capable of generating somewhat realistic results even if they aren’t going to be overly common.
While AI isn’t exactly going to revolutionise Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or come up with an endless stream of extremely rare submissions for use in BJJ competition, the exercise is actually potentially useful. Coletti tested out each of the results that ChatGPT gave him and although a lot of them weren’t worth spending any more time thinking about, there were some interesting ideas presented. It might be worth doing this on an even larger scale to try and see if there are any workable concepts that could come from it, but it’s definitely like finding a needle in a hay-stack and a lot of time will be spent investigating dead-ends before anything useful emerges.
The full video of BJJ black belt Nick Coletti testing out 10 Jiu-Jitsu submissions that were created by AI was uploaded to his official YouTube channel: