Andrew Wiltse recently shared a story from a manic episode where he got into an altercation with around 10 police officers and several nurses. Wiltse is an elite grappler who has famously been very open about his mental health struggles, including an episode last year that culminated in his arrest. That meant that he kept a low profile as far as the BJJ community is concerned and he hasn’t actually been an active competitor for several years now. Fortunately he appears to be in a much better place now and has even recently returned to BJJ with a new YouTube channel.
That’s actually how he shared this story with the world, starting with a quick summary of it:
“Today I have a magnificent story. It involves me, a taser, some sedatives, 10 or so cops, some nurses, and an epic battle royale…”
Wiltse said that it all began when he was wandering around and although he wasn’t causing any trouble, he drew the attention of local law enforcement:
“I kinda like sat down in a parking lot. I don’t think I was in the middle of it, I wasn’t in anyone’s way or anything like that. Then 3 cops came up and approached me and they said ‘are you okay?’”
He then explains that he was “tricked into getting in the back of a cop car” and taken to a local hospital instead. After attempting to escape from the hospital, he ended up getting into a full altercation with multiple members of law enforcement. As an elite grappler would obviously be difficult to deal with, they eventually had to use a taser but according to Wiltse it “didn’t do a god d*mn thing except power me the f*ck up.” Eventually the officers were able to sedate him and transfer him to another hospital, where he woke up.
Andrew Wiltse shared the story of how he ended up in altercation with 10 police officers during a manic episode in a recent post to his official YouTube channel: